Counselling for Individuals, Couples and Families

We all experience painful emotions sometimes, such as fear/anxiety, grief/sadness/depression, anger/frustration, intense craving/desire, and guilt or shame…and they can be extremely difficult to bear.

Our ability to navigate such feelings skillfully has huge implications for our relationships, emotional health, physical health, and collective wellbeing.

For many people neither their families, schools, or culture at-large prepared them well to navigate such difficulties, and in many cases those very systems and relationships within them may have been the setting of very painful early experiences. Various stresses in our current lives can bring forth intense feelings and unskillful behaviours, particularly if unresolved issues of the past are unconsciously influencing our experience of the present.

Some examples of issues that clients present in counselling that you might be able to relate to include:  

  • Feeling overwhelmed by- or stuck facing intense unpleasant emotions?
  • Longing for resolution and relief related to conflict in your relationship with your spouse/partner, child/children, parents, coworkers, friends, or neighbours?
  • Feeling lonely, distant, or disconnected from others while longing for greater intimacy and connection?
  • Engaged in habits of thinking or behaviour that you feel some guilt or shame about, end up regretting, or wish you could shift?
  • Worried that you are fated to repeat the past or wondering how you can possibly change the cycle of inherited family trauma for the sake of your own health or for your child/children’s wellbeing?
  • Wondering how you might shift deep unconscious patterns within yourself to become truly free to choose your words and actions in the present, rather than be compelled by habits shaped by the events of the past?

When you invest time and energy in your own personal growth and healing, you stand to improve your relationships, emotional health, physical health, and community.


When working with me privately one-on-one, as a couple, or as a family
you will have the opportunity to learn how to:

  • Cultivate presence, empathic witnessing, and deep listening
  • Develop and deepen self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion
  • Clarify what is most important to you
  • Guide decisions and actions to be in alignment with your values, with integrity, honesty, clarity and a greater sense of personal agency
  • Make peace with the past and learn to grow through your difficulties
  • Resolve conflict within yourself, or between you and another person, with skill and care
  • Shift your habitual sense of identity and belonging by getting to know your true self
  • Let go of habits that no longer serve you – both engrained habits of mind and other coping strategies
  • Become more resilient when facing stressful situations
  • Experience more ongoing inner peace, harmony, ease, joy, gratefulness, and depth of intimacy
  • Develop ways of being of service to the world in your own unique way

Within private sessions, we will utilize a unique combination of practices and approaches drawn from:


Buddhist Psychology| Mindfulness


Nonviolent Communication | Living Compassion


Transpersonal Counselling Psychology | Compassionate Inquiry


Family Constellations | Systemic Constellations

These four traditions are the most powerful means I have found for realizing an enlarged view of the self, others, and the world. Experiencing such a shift in perspective gives rise to greater wisdom, compassion, and internal freedom, which opens up new possibilities in our individual and collective lives.  

How you can work
with Compassionate Resolutions:



This option suits individuals that are either not available or interested in joining a group series, workshop, or retreat. Schedule your first individual, couples or family session here.

Not sure where to begin? Book a Free 20-minute consultation